
Welcome to know more about Herbalife Opportunity

Know more about Herbalife part time,full time & business opportunity? Kindly fill in the details below. 需要更多关于康宝莱兼职,全职或者商机吗?请添入以下资料

Name 姓名:

Age 年龄:
Gender 性别: Female 女性
Male 男性
Contact Number 联络号码:
Best hour to call-in 合适联络时段:
Email Address 电邮::
Current Location 地址(Please fill in area, state, country only 只填写地区,州属,国家):
Language 语言:
How did your hear about me? 您是如何得知我?
What are you interested in? 让您感兴趣的是?

How much you wish to earn? 请问您想赚取多少呢?

Are you SERIOUS NOW? 这次您是认真的吗? YES, I am SERIOUS! 是的,我是认真的!
NO, I just curious! 不,我只是好奇而已!
Thanks! I will get back to you soon to have a disscussion with you about this Herbalife Opportunity. 谢谢!我会尽快跟您联络上来商讨康宝莱的商机
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